- Global competitiveness is a requirement of time
- An important Address with deep meaning
- Through the thorns to the market economy
- Abish was a Judge of our time.
- Need for sound opinions on global issues
- Land Code: a wide range of opportunities is a heritage from our ancestors
- After crossing the pass, they entered a route
- The great passes of sovereign years
- Великие перевалы суверенных лет газета Экономика
- The sovereignty, humanity and vision
- The dignity and strength of spirit
- Neither the contract nor the Union must not encroach independence
- Patriarch of the Era
- Coryphaeus of Science
- The factors of improving the use of human capital in the labor market
- Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev: what I was looking for all my life was knowledge.
- Human capital and factors of its development
- The main capital of the country
- Seven treasures of independent Kazakhstan: industrial innovative economy.
- To build an effective system of high technology
- Remarkable teacher, coryphaeus of science
- Kenzhegali Sagadiev: we will put the economy on industrial rails
- The world of Abay
- About Contribution of President Nazarbayev in the construction of modern Kazakhstan
- The role of human capital in the innovative development of Kazakhstan
- In fifty years -New Nation
- From crisis to modernization and development
- Quick response to the Address
- Ambassador of Kazakh nation
- The economy is a stem of the nation
- The economy is vulnerable, if spirit of society is weak.
- Modesty is Needed
- Giant of Thought
- Dignified son of Kazakh Nation
- He was carrying the task of the century
- Signature
- Scientists expressed their opinions
- A Personality
- An architect
- First is economy
- The road built by scolar
- The role of managers in modern times
- Eliminating ambiguity
- Dear Fazylkhan!
- Status and prospects of development of national innovation system of Kazakhstan
- Knowledge is the foundation of the future economy
- The ex-President made a remark to the Government
- Left Heritage
- Are we ready to the challenge?
- The funds allocated for the social sphere should be untouchable
- Voice of the crisis
- If roads repaired, then lives would improve.
- The World Economy Is Crossing the Rubicon
- The World ScaleVision
- There is crisis but not to forget about the future
- The Crisis Is Ending and the Time Has Come to Think About the Future
- About the book of R.T. Cherdabaev “Oil: yesterday, today, tomorrow”
- Conveyor of knowledge
- Сhoice of track
- Competently and timely
- The core of the party activity
- Need to improve tax policy
- Time to reduce the tax burden
- To succeed in the world
- Planning system: Malaysian experience
- Our performance is very slow in implementation of crucial projects
- Milestones of a scholar, a teacher, a citizen
- Taxes as a priority
- The economy needs to be monitored day and night
- Charisma of positive approach
- Enhancing the role of project management
- Increasing the competence of the parliament – strengthening people’s power
- Years of Independence
- Known at a distance
- Let’s face the truth – what are your reputation and mission?
- Best of the best
- He raised the standard of Kazakhstan science. To the 80th birthday of Sh. Essenov
- Responsibility in front of the people
- A unique document of the development
- Third, strategic
- Sufficiency of mechanisms to stabilize the economy
- Constitutional reform in the country
- If our opinions were taken into account while appointing ministers, they would listen to our words.
- A Personality
- Behind the line of the message
- From competition to high standards of life
- Man of Worth
- At the forefront of social development
- The Formula of Global Dynamics
- Inertia does not allow us to prosper
- Famous Kazakh
- Coryphaeus of world science
- First is economy
- Program’s error
- Driving Force of Reforms
- Trends On the Background of monetary excess
- Talked and disparted
- Many unsolved problems in Auls
- Big plans
- Kazakhstan has a bright future
- With wide opened eyes
- The project that is needed for the country and Almaty
- Steel logic of tax
- Stumbling amendments
- If you have a loving son;you love…
- Kenzhegali Sagadiev: I Look to the Future with Optimism
- I am optimistic about Nation’s Future
- I Believe in the Future of Arkalyk
- A Step Towards Competitiveness
- Cluster Forms are not for Formality
- Almaty: Completely New Start Forward
- We must create our Competitiveness Ourselves
- Personality of the National Level
- Our Scientists cannot Become Millionaires
- Business Education in Kazakhstan: Problems of Formation and Development
- In the Orbit of Globalization
- Prospects for the Development of Kazakhstan’s economy
- Kazakhstan’s Accession to the World Trade Organization: Benefits and Potential Risks
- Kazakhstan cannot Escape the Transition to the Production of Products that are Competitive in the World Market
- Problems of Competitiveness of the National Economy
- On Some Fundamental Issues in Kazakhstan’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
- The Lessons of Business will be Taught Only by Those who Succeed in It
- Career started from a Student’s Bench
- The Development of Society Depends on Science
- Respected and Noble Elders were in Front of Me
- The World is Wide to the One who Able to Fly
- We Look into the Future with Optimism
- The Kazakh People are Committed to Knowledge
- On the Issue of the Poststabilizational Model of Kazakhstan Economy Development
- Combating Terrorism and Consolidating Efforts Can Have Positive Effects on the Dynamics of the World Economy
- Economic Basis for Overcoming the Recession in the Development of Agriculture in Kazakhstan
- The Mark of the Century
- Its Estuaries are Still Green in the Steppe
- Strategy – 2030: the Energy of Reforms from Macroeconomic Stability – to Growth
- We mustn’t Forget His Lessons
- Alashorda: How to Justify the Middle Position
- We are the Country that Opened Institutions during the War.
- Talking on the Road or Interview at the Turn of the Century
- Was the Devaluation of Tenge Necessary: the Pros and Cons
- Consonance with Requirements of Life
- Aul will Prosper with Educated and Qualified Inhabitants.
- The Profession which I’m Proud of
- Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev’s Lessons
- Conversation on the road
- Leopold CEA: Philosophy of American History or Projects that Changed the Middle Class and Latin America
- Information Trap for Beginning Democracy
- Leasing in Kazakhstan: Problems And Prospects for its Development
- Do not Believe in Muscles, Believe in Business.
- We Changed not Only the Signboard. People Changed
- Akhmet Baitursynov and Economic Views of Alashorda’s Leaders
- Economic Security and its Problems in the National Economy
- Formation of the Middle Class as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan
- Why the Invisible Hand does not Work
- Word about Abay
- Academy of Sciences at the Crossroads
- Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Union
- You cannot Pull apart a Unified Working Organism, You cannot Squander a Great National Asset
- We will Create Our Kazakhstani University Based on Our Capabilities
- Prosperity of Auls Depends on Qualified Cadres.
- Our Knowledge is Our Good
- Agrarian University Begins. Who wins?
- Reform in the Aul Should be Similar to Amble of a Pacer-horse
- If the Professional is Strong, then the Results are Real.
- Agrarian University Held a Presentation
- The Agrarian University in Almaty Helps to Expand the Opportunities of the Auls.
- Literature is Gaining Strength or Depleting?
- Scientific and technical sovereignty of Kazakhstan and the tasks of the National Science Academy
- Middle Class is the Strength
- Science is the Stem of Life
- Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan: Conceptual Fundamentals/a>
- Only Middle Class will Save Us
- Abay and Our Era
- Abay’s Days in Paris
- Problems of the Caspian Sea and Their Solution
- Present and Future of Kazakhstani Science
- It is Our Duty to Praise the Poet.
- Abay is Recognized Worldwide.
- Science of Kazakhstan in Conditions of Transition to the Market
- Who are You in Your Home: Daughter or Stepdaughter
- Arkasyver Kuch-middle class
- Marching in Pace with Mates is Easier than Keeping up with the Time
- One Hundred Days of President of the Academy of Sciences
- The Temple of Kazakh Science
- Interview: Financing Kazakhstani Science is Complicated and Inefficient
- The “Hereditary Gene” Doesn’t Work. Why Not?
- Only the Middle Class Will Save Us
- Saken and His Era
- Efforts of Scientists of Akmola Institute of Agriculture for the Benefit of the Republic
- Black shanyrak of Kazakh science
- To Kazakhstani Miracle By the Reforms Steps
- Kazakhstan’s Risky Delay in Acquiring Its Own Identity
- Market Has to Turn Its Face to the People
- I Believe in the Younger Generation
- Kazkhastan riskily attracts with the appearance of its own face
- “Kazakhstan Miracle” – on the steps of the reform
- Professionals are trained by the university
- Thoughts about Science
- Gates to the World Economy
- Market Сadres Decide not Everything but Most
- Thanks to the Sovereignty of Our Country
- Modern Kazakhstan in the Global Community
- Abundance of Atyrau for People’s Welfare
- Honour to Outstanding Scientist: The Monument to Academician Kanysh Satpayev was Opened in Atyrau
- Egemenen El bolganymyzyn arkasy
- Market frames decide if everything?
- Professor Sagadiyev – “Man of the year-92”