
  1. Талант қолтаңбасы
  2. Осындай жауапты іске жұмыла кірісейік


  1. Әлем таныған Елбасы
  2. Астана – ел болашағының арқауы
  3. Relocation of the capital was determined by interests of the nation


  1. Global competitiveness is a requirement of time
  2. An important Address with deep meaning
  3. Through the thorns to the market economy
  4. Шалғайға көз салсақ


  1. Abish was a Judge of our time.
  2. Need for sound opinions on global issues
  3. Land Code: a wide range of opportunities is a heritage from our ancestors
  4. After crossing the pass, they entered a route
  5. The great passes of sovereign years
  6. Великие перевалы суверенных лет газета Экономика
  7. The sovereignty, humanity and vision


  1. Readiness for crucial moments.
  2. The son of the nation
  3. Thoughtful philosophy of life


  1. The dignity and strength of spirit
  2. Neither the contract nor the Union must not encroach independence
  3. Patriarch of the Era
  4. Coryphaeus of Science
  5. The factors of improving the use of human capital in the labor market


  1. Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev: what I was looking for all my life was knowledge.
  2. Human capital and factors of its development
  3. The main capital of the country
  4. Seven treasures of independent Kazakhstan: industrial innovative economy.
  5. To build an effective system of high technology


  1. Remarkable teacher, coryphaeus of science
  2. Kenzhegali Sagadiev: we will put the economy on industrial rails
  3. The world of Abay
  4. About Contribution of President Nazarbayev in the construction of modern Kazakhstan
  5. The role of human capital in the innovative development of Kazakhstan
  6. In fifty years -New Nation


  1. From crisis to modernization and development
  2. Quick response to the Address
  3. Ambassador of Kazakh nation
  4. The economy is a stem of the nation
  5. The economy is vulnerable, if spirit of society is weak.
  6. Modesty is Needed
  7. Giant of Thought


  1. Dignified son of Kazakh Nation
  2. He was carrying the task of the century
  3. Signature
  4. Scientists expressed their opinions
  5. A Personality
  6. An architect
  7. First is economy
  8. The road built by scolar
  9. The role of managers in modern times
  10. Eliminating ambiguity
  11. Dear Fazylkhan!


  1. Status and prospects of development of national innovation system of Kazakhstan
  2. Knowledge is the foundation of the future economy
  3. The ex-President made a remark to the Government
  4. Left Heritage
  5. Are we ready to the challenge?
  6. The funds allocated for the social sphere should be untouchable
  7. Voice of the crisis
  8. If roads repaired, then lives would improve.
  9. The World Economy Is Crossing the Rubicon
  10. The World ScaleVision
  11. There is crisis but not to forget about the future
  12. The Crisis Is Ending and the Time Has Come to Think About the Future
  13. About the book of R.T. Cherdabaev “Oil: yesterday, today, tomorrow”
  14. Conveyor of knowledge
  15. Сhoice of track
  16. Competently and timely
  17. The core of the party activity


  1. Need to improve tax policy
  2. Time to reduce the tax burden
  3. To succeed in the world
  4. Planning system: Malaysian experience
  5. Our performance is very slow in implementation of crucial projects
  6. Milestones of a scholar, a teacher, a citizen
  7. Taxes as a priority
  8. The economy needs to be monitored day and night


  1. Charisma of positive approach
  2. Enhancing the role of project management
  3. Increasing the competence of the parliament – strengthening people’s power
  4. Years of Independence
  5. Known at a distance
  6. Let’s face the truth – what are your reputation and mission?
  7. Best of the best
  8. He raised the standard of Kazakhstan science. To the 80th birthday of Sh. Essenov
  9. Responsibility in front of the people
  10. A unique document of the development
  11. Third, strategic
  12. Sufficiency of mechanisms to stabilize the economy
  13. Constitutional reform in the country


  1. If our opinions were taken into account while appointing ministers, they would listen to our words.
  2. A Personality
  3. Behind the line of the message
  4. From competition to high standards of life
  5. Man of Worth
  6. At the forefront of social development
  7. The Formula of Global Dynamics
  8. Inertia does not allow us to prosper
  9. Famous Kazakh
  10. Coryphaeus of world science
  11. First is economy
  12. Program’s error


  1. Driving Force of Reforms
  2. Trends On the Background of monetary excess
  3. Talked and disparted
  4. Many unsolved problems in Auls
  5. Big plans
  6. Kazakhstan has a bright future
  7. With wide opened eyes
  8. The project that is needed for the country and Almaty
  9. Steel logic of tax
  10. Stumbling amendments
  11. If you have a loving son;you love…


  1. Kenzhegali Sagadiev: I Look to the Future with Optimism
  2. I am optimistic about Nation’s Future
  3. I Believe in the Future of Arkalyk
  4. A Step Towards Competitiveness
  5. Cluster Forms are not for Formality
  6. Almaty: Completely New Start Forward
  7. We must create our Competitiveness Ourselves
  8. Personality of the National Level
  9. Our Scientists cannot Become Millionaires


  1. Business Education in Kazakhstan: Problems of Formation and Development
  2. In the Orbit of Globalization
  3. Prospects for the Development of Kazakhstan’s economy
  4. Kazakhstan’s Accession to the World Trade Organization: Benefits and Potential Risks
  5. Kazakhstan cannot Escape the Transition to the Production of Products that are Competitive in the World Market


  1. Problems of Competitiveness of the National Economy
  2. On Some Fundamental Issues in Kazakhstan’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
  3. The Lessons of Business will be Taught Only by Those who Succeed in It
  4. Career started from a Student’s Bench
  5. The Development of Society Depends on Science
  6. Respected and Noble Elders were in Front of Me


  1. The World is Wide to the One who Able to Fly
  2. We Look into the Future with Optimism
  3. The Kazakh People are Committed to Knowledge
  4. On the Issue of the Poststabilizational Model of Kazakhstan Economy Development
  5. Combating Terrorism and Consolidating Efforts Can Have Positive Effects on the Dynamics of the World Economy
  6. Economic Basis for Overcoming the Recession in the Development of Agriculture in Kazakhstan


  1. The Mark of the Century
  2. Its Estuaries are Still Green in the Steppe
  3. Strategy – 2030: the Energy of Reforms from Macroeconomic Stability – to Growth


  1. We mustn’t Forget His Lessons
  2. Alashorda: How to Justify the Middle Position
  3. We are the Country that Opened Institutions during the War.
  4. Talking on the Road or Interview at the Turn of the Century
  5. Was the Devaluation of Tenge Necessary: the Pros and Cons
  6. Consonance with Requirements of Life
  7. Aul will Prosper with Educated and Qualified Inhabitants.
  8. The Profession which I’m Proud of
  9. Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev’s Lessons
  10. Conversation on the road


  1. Leopold CEA: Philosophy of American History or Projects that Changed the Middle Class and Latin America
  2. Information Trap for Beginning Democracy
  3. Leasing in Kazakhstan: Problems And Prospects for its Development
  4. Do not Believe in Muscles, Believe in Business.
  5. We Changed not Only the Signboard. People Changed
  6. Akhmet Baitursynov and Economic Views of Alashorda’s Leaders
  7. Economic Security and its Problems in the National Economy
  8. Formation of the Middle Class as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan
  9. Why the Invisible Hand does not Work


  1. Only Educated People Get Civilization


  1. Word about Abay
  2. Academy of Sciences at the Crossroads
  3. Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Union
  4. You cannot Pull apart a Unified Working Organism, You cannot Squander a Great National Asset
  5. We will Create Our Kazakhstani University Based on Our Capabilities
  6. Prosperity of Auls Depends on Qualified Cadres.
  7. Our Knowledge is Our Good
  8. Agrarian University Begins. Who wins?
  9. Reform in the Aul Should be Similar to Amble of a Pacer-horse
  10. If the Professional is Strong, then the Results are Real.
  11. Agrarian University Held a Presentation
  12. The Agrarian University in Almaty Helps to Expand the Opportunities of the Auls.
  13. Literature is Gaining Strength or Depleting?
  14. Scientific and technical sovereignty of Kazakhstan and the tasks of the National Science Academy


  1. Middle Class is the Strength
  2. Science is the Stem of Life
  3. Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan: Conceptual Fundamentals/a>
  4. Only Middle Class will Save Us
  5. Abay and Our Era
  6. Abay’s Days in Paris
  7. Problems of the Caspian Sea and Their Solution
  8. Present and Future of Kazakhstani Science
  9. It is Our Duty to Praise the Poet.
  10. Abay is Recognized Worldwide.
  11. Science of Kazakhstan in Conditions of Transition to the Market
  12. Who are You in Your Home: Daughter or Stepdaughter
  13. Arkasyver Kuch-middle class


  1. Marching in Pace with Mates is Easier than Keeping up with the Time
  2. One Hundred Days of President of the Academy of Sciences
  3. The Temple of Kazakh Science
  4. Interview: Financing Kazakhstani Science is Complicated and Inefficient
  5. The “Hereditary Gene” Doesn’t Work. Why Not?
  6. Only the Middle Class Will Save Us
  7. Saken and His Era
  8. Efforts of Scientists of Akmola Institute of Agriculture for the Benefit of the Republic
  9. Black shanyrak of Kazakh science


  1. To Kazakhstani Miracle By the Reforms Steps
  2. Kazakhstan’s Risky Delay in Acquiring Its Own Identity
  3. Market Has to Turn Its Face to the People
  4. I Believe in the Younger Generation
  5. Kazkhastan riskily attracts with the appearance of its own face
  6. “Kazakhstan Miracle” – on the steps of the reform
  7. Professionals are trained by the university


  1. Thoughts about Science
  2. Gates to the World Economy
  3. Market Сadres Decide not Everything but Most
  4. Thanks to the Sovereignty of Our Country
  5. Modern Kazakhstan in the Global Community
  6. Abundance of Atyrau for People’s Welfare
  7. Honour to Outstanding Scientist: The Monument to Academician Kanysh Satpayev was Opened in Atyrau
  8. Egemenen El bolganymyzyn arkasy
  9. Market frames decide if everything?
  10. Professor Sagadiyev – “Man of the year-92”