
  1. The load of conscience and honor is above all. Newspaper Egemen Kazakhstan #27 (29258) The 8th of February. S. Dosanov 2018
  2. Through the test of time, Кazakhstanskaya Pravda #28 (28657) the 9th of February. Shamanov T. 2018
  3. Саф алтындай интеллект иесі, Алматы ақшамы №20 (5527), 15 ақпан, С.Қирабаев, Ә.Бейсенова, 2018ж.
  4. The guide, – Aikyn #26 (3294) the 16th of February. Sultanov K. 2018
  5. Descendant of honorable, Egemen Kazakhstan №33 (29264) the 16th of February M. Zhurynov 2018
  6. The Educator. The teacher. The figure. The newspaper Astana akshamy the 16th of February, E. Aryn, 2018
  7. The coryphaeus from Torgay, Aikyn №27 (3295) the 17th of February, D. Shynybekov 2018
  8. Академик Кенжеғали Сағадиев, Арқа ажары №20 (18052), 17 ақпан, 2018ж. Ж.Ерғалиев
  9. Қазақстан ғылымдарының библиографиясы
  10. Ғибратты ғұмыр, Ана тілі №8 (1422) 22-28 ақпан, Татығұлов Ә.Ш., 2018ж.
  11. The remarkable life. Ana tili №8 (1422) 22-28 February, A.Sh.Tatygutov 2018
  12. Тектінің тұяғы, Қазақ газеті 22 ақпан, Серік Тұрғынбекұлы, 2018ж.
  13. The height that has taken hold of our consciousness. Economic №8 (543), the 22nd of February, M.Baidauletov, 2018
  14. The noble citizen. The newspaper Aikyn #31 (3299) the 24th of February, K. Ormantaev 2018
  15. The strong pillar. The Kazakh literature, the 2nd of march. Zh. Ergaliyev, 2018
  16. Іргелі еңбек ағылшын тілінде шықты, Алматы ақшамы қоғамдық саяси газеті, 15.03.2018ж. Ақшам ақпарат
  17. The perfect personality, Turkestan №11(1233), the 5th of march, K.N.Naribaev, 2018
  18. Менің өмір бойы іздегенім – білім, Алматы ақшамы №32, 17 наурыз, Ермекбаева Б. 2018ж.
  19. Досым, замандасым, әріптесім, академик Кенжеғали Сағадиев туралы толғау, Нәрібаев К.Н., Алматы, ХБУ, 2018ж.
  20. Ғибратты ғұмыр. Облыстық газета Қостанай таңы №73 (18721) 27 маусым 2018ж. Ә.Тәтіғұлов
  21. Ғылымның шыңына шыққан ғалым. Облыстық газета Қостанай таңы №73 (18721) 27 маусым 2018ж. К.Қонысбай
  22. Еңбегі ерен тұлға,  TimePress – актуальные новости Костанайской области, 30 маусым, А.Кангожин, 2018ж.
  23. Жас Өркен Қостанай, №3 (94) мамыр-маусым 2018ж., Қостанай облысының құрметті азаматы академик Кенжеғали Сағадиев – 80 жаста
  24. Даралық формуласы, Қостанай таңы, 18 мамыр,2018ж., А.Әбсадық
  25. Ғалымдар бас қосты, Қостанай таңы №75 (18723), 3 шілде, 2018ж., К.Қонысбай
  26. Өмірі өнегелі нар тұлға  – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ, ХАБАРШЫ, Әлеуметтік және саяси ғылымдар сериясы №61 Әбсаттаров Р., Шалтыков Ә.2018ж.
  27. Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev, Arka azhary, 2018.


  1. Unique personality, Kazakh literature, 2017.


  1. Life of academician K.Sagadiev is an example for everybody. K. Sagadiev, Kazakhstan, Almaty, AL-FARABI journal, #3 2016


  1. Outstanding personality and features of the Master. The Kazakh newspaper, #8 2015


  1. Virtuoso of economic sciences. Evening Almaty, 2014
  2. Менің асыл жеңешем – Нағытай Әбітайқызы туралы мөлтек сыр, Қостанай таңы №25 (18081), 2014ж.
  3. Sagadiev (Publicistic poem) I dedicate to the honorable citizen of Kostanay region, academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev, #2, 2014


  1. Kazakh soul of Kenzhegali. Egemen Kazakhstan, 2013
  2. Academician with good reputation, Economics, 2013
  3. Genuine academician, Akikat, #3, 2013
  4. Kenzhegali Sagadiev – in the spotlight of the nation Aikyn, 2013
  5. Personality with sense of duty and high responsibility, Economics, 2013
  6. The man ahead of time, The Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2013
  7. Academician Sagadiev’s vital and scientific postulates, The Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2013
  8. The Master in true sense of meaning, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2013
  9. The great son of Turgai region, The Kazakh adebiety, 2013
  10. The eagle of Kumaral, The Kazakh adebiety, 2013
  11. Outstanding scientist- economist of new Kazakhstan, Economics, 2013.
  12. A man born for the nation, Aikyn, 2013
  13. High personality, The heritage of the nation, 2013
  14. Kenzhegali Sagadiev is 75 years old. (Bibliography) Anniversary issue, Almaty, Basbakan, 2013.
  15. Ғалымы дархан даланың. 75 жас
  16. What I have been looking for all my life is education, Amankeldy Arai, 2013.
  17. Outstanding scientist-economist of new Kazakhstan, Economy, 2013.


  1. Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev. Biographical story. Almaty, Gaukhar, 2012
  2. Remarkable life of Kenzhegali Sagadiev, Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a publication in the series “Life of Outstanding Persons”, 2012.
  3. Alma Ata Institute of National Economy – Kazakh Economic University, a short bibliography of veterans to the 50th anniversary of the University, Almaty, 2012.


  1. Persona, Almaty Baspakan, 2010


  1. The eminent scientist and teacher, well-known organizer of higher school and science, public and state figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan will the age of 70th in February 18, 2008, Maman, 2008.
  2. The Central Office of the people’s democratic party “Nur Otan” congratulates the eminent scientist of Kazakhstan, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Kenzhegali Sagadiev with 70th anniversary. Egemen Kazakhstan, 2008.
  3. Ученый востребованный всегда, брошюра
  4. The scientist who is always in the row: portrait of a contemporary, Kazakhstanskaya pravda, 2008.
  5. Mentors and friends, Almaty Inju-Marzhan, 2008.
  6. Congratulations, Kazakhstanskaya pravda, 2008.
  7. Eminent scientist and politician will achieve 70 years, KazEU khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  8. The scientist- an eminent economist, KazEU khabarshysy No. 1, 2008.
  9. The Scientist – An eminent economist, Evero, 2008.
  10. Jubilee Dates, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  11. The Challenging Personality, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  12. My Mentor, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008
  13. From Rural Boy to Academician, Vechernyaya Astana, 2008.
  14. K.A Sagadiev’s Brief Biographical Sketch, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008
  15. Academician K.A. Sagadiyev’s School, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  16. Meetings with the Teacher, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  17. He Lives as he Thinks, Nauka I obrazovanie v Kazakhstane, №2, 2008.
  18. The Friendship that is a Model to Be Followed, KazEU Khabarshysy №1, 2008.
  19. The phenomenon of Academician Sagadiev, Kazakhstanskaya pravda, 2008
  20. Kenzhegali Abenovich Sagadiev – an eminent scientist, politician and educator, KazEU Khabarshysy No. 1, 2008
  21. The colorful personality of the university system of Alma Ata Institute of National Economy -KazEU, Khabarshysy No. 1, 2008.
  22. The main dates and activities of KA. Sagadiyev’s life, 2008.
  23. Model of the best. KazEU, №1,2008.
  24. Best personality to follow. The Kazakh gazeti, No. 3, 2008.
  25. Pride of the people. Kostanay tany, 2008.
  26. Time of Kenzheken. Zhas Orken, 2008.
  27. Time of Kenzhegali. Astana khabary, 2008.
  28. Academician, Egemen Kazakhstan, 2008.
  29. Heart and mind together. КazEU Khabarshysy, №1, 2008
  30. Deep mindset of Kenzheken. The Zhas Kazakh Uni, No. 11, 2008.
  31. “Our Kenzheken” among academicians. K.A. Sagadiev turns 70 years old, Almaty Akshamy, 2008.
  32. Honor for the teacher, Vestnik of KazEU, № 1, 2008.
  33. A big teacher and caring leader, Vestnik KazEU, No. 1, 2008.
  34. Short autobiography of Sagadiyev, Vestnik KazEU, #1, 2008.
  35. At the height of intelligence. Vestnik KazEU, #1, 2008.
  36. Brilliant genius. Shalkar, 2008.
  37. The high way of science, Almaty Akshamy, 2008
  38. To Step with thoughts, Persona, 2008.
  39. To Step with thoughts, Metropolis No. 5, 2008
  40. Great Teacher, Vestnik KazEU No.1, 2008
  41. Our Kenzheken, Zhas Orken, 2008
  42. Presidents of the National Academy of Science, Science, Higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, №14-15, 2008.
  43. Kenzhegali Sagadiyev 70 years (biography), Jubilee edition, Almaty, 2008
  44. Phenomenon Akademika Sagadieva, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2008.
  45. Shagala zhany shark urgan, School of Management, Kazeu named after T. Ryskulov, 2008.
  46. Kazakh figure – Tarlan son of Turgay! Our Sparrow, 2008.
  47. Biik gulama, Shalkar, 2008.
  48. Academician, Sovereign Kazakhstan, 2008.
  49. Uchenyi, vostrebovannyi vsegda, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2008.
  50. Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiyev 70 years old, School of Management KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, 2008.
  51. Kenzheken, School of Management, KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, 2008.


  1. The scientist who is trusted . «Nachnem s ponedelnika»,2003
  2. Reformer or Scholar: Thoughts about person who deals with science and education. «Zhas Alash», 2003


  1. A nobleman of science. “Kelbet” Magazine,2002


  1. Kazakhstani Record Book, Turan University, 2000
  2. “Kenzhegali”- a new sort of summer wheat, 1998 The number of admitted region: 1, originator number: 2, 19; signs – 04; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2000
  3. Personality of high level. Dala International magazine, 2000.
  4. Сагадиев К.А. президент НАН РК, заслуженный деятель науки и техники РК,
  5. The respected people of Kazakh nation, 1st volume, «Dauіr», 2000.


  1. The story on the road or the conversation at the crossroads of century, “Torgai tynysy”, 1999.
  2. A Hot February in National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kenzhegali Sagadiev: a publication titled “Life of Remarkable People” 12th issue, 1999, 359 p.
  3. Heritage of Nobles, Kenzhegali Sagadiev: a publication titled “Life of Outstanding Persons” 12th edition, 1999, 359 p.
  4. The pure spring of Akkum. Akzhelken, №9-10, 1999.


  1. A remarkable life. Vechernij Almaty, 1998.
  2. Way of Scholar. Academician Kenzhegali Abenovich Sagandiev is 60 years old, “Arka azhary” newspaper, 1998.
  3. A fateful talent. «The Kazakh adebiety», 1998.
  4. Hallmark of Sagadiev, “Asia”, 1998.
  5. Academician Sagadiev is Sixty, The Almaty Herald, 1998
  6. Justifying your birth in the world, Vecherniy Almaty, 1998.
  7. A friendly word about Kenzhegali Sagadiyev, “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, 1998.
  8. Academician Sagadiev K.A. is 60, Journal “Zaschita Rasteniy v Kazakhstane” , No. 1, 1998
  9. 60th anniversary of the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK K. A. Sagadiyev, “Bulletin of the NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 1, 1998.
  10. Academician K. Sagadiev and the first economic university of Kazakhstan, “Stolichnoye Obozrenie”, 1998.
  11. Best of the best. “Turkestan”, 1998
  12. Leading scholar, “The Saryarka” magazine, 1998
  13. World of Wisdom , “Egemen Kazakhstan”, 1998
  14. A key organizer of science and higher education, “Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 1, 1998.
  15. Science is an inherent part of the nation’s culture and indicator of a civilized society, “Akmolinskaya Pravda” No. 20, 1998.
  16. Сomprehensive scientific and organizational activity. Sagadiev Kenzhegali. A book series “An Outstanding Life”, 12th edition, 1998.
  17. Сагадиеву Кенжегали Абеновичу 60 лет, Пытливость мысли, деятельность сил, Талантливый организатор, Найти контакт не просто, Специалист №103, 1998г.
  18. Man of the era of changes. Sagadiev Kenzhegali. A series “An Outstanding Life”, 12 th edition, 1998.
  19. Intellectual- reformer in science and higher education. “Stolichnoe obozrenie”, 1998.
  20. Eyewitness, «Asia: Economika i Zhizn» №5, 1998.
  21. Nobleman of Economic Sciences. “Nauka Kazakhstana”, 1998
  22. The Dignified Life, “TsecInfo”, 1998
  23. Our friend academician K. A. Sagadiev is 60. “Pulse of Auliekol”, No.6, 1998
  24. To the jubilee of science and higher education, “Fermer” No. 1, 1998.
  25. Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev, “Akmola akikaty”, 1998 .
  26. The Natural Talent, “Zhas Alash”, 1998.
  27. Academician K.A. Sagadiev is 60, “Kazakhstan Zhogary Mektebi”, No. 1, 1998.
  28. Who is who in Kazakhstan, Compendium, 1998
  29. Nobleman of Science. “Kostanay tany”, 1998.
  30. Sardar of Science, Kostanay Dawn, 1998.


  1. Bibliography of scientists of Kazakhstan. Ministry of Science- Academy of Sciences of the RK, 1997.
  2. Elite of Kazakhstan. Handbook, Institute of Development of Kazakhstan, 1997.


  1. Let your star shine. Person of the Year. “Astana dauysy”, 1993.
  2. The Distinguished Person. «Sukhbat», 1993 .
  3. Let Your Star Shine, Man of the year! “Astana dauysy”, 1993.


  1. Devoted to Science from A Young Age. “Turgai tynysy”, 1990.