en_00013 наурыз 2018
Қазақстан Республикасының Мемлекеттік хатшысы Гүлшара Әбдіқалықова «Reforms in Kazakhstan: An analytical View» атты кітапты таныстыру рәсіміне қатысты
Алматы қаласы, Ұлттық ғылым академиясы
«Reforms in Kazakhstan: An analytical View» атты кітаптың авторы – Қазақстанның белгілі мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері, жоғары мектеп пен ғылым ісінің көрнекті ұйымдастырушысы, экономист ғалым Кенжеғали Әбенұлы Сағадиев.
Іс-шараға мемлекеттік органдар, ғылыми және шығармашылық қоғамдастық, бизнес өкілдері, жоғары оқу орындарының ректорлары, сонымен қатар профессорлар мен оқытушылар құрамы және еліміздің студенттер қауымы қатысты.
Мемлекеттік хатшы құттықтау сөзінде Елбасы Нұрсұлтан Назарбаевтың стратегиялық бағдарының маңызды басымдығының бірі отандық ғылымды дамыту екенін атап өтті. Мемлекет басшысы бүкіл Тәуелсіздік кезеңінде ғылымға және ғалымдарға әрдайым қамқорлық жасап, елдегі академиялық және қолданбалы зерттеулерге жан-жақты қолдау көрсетіп келеді.
Тәуелсіздік жылдары ғылыми қызметті басқарудың жаңа моделі, ғылымды қаржыландырудың заманауи тетіктері енгізілді. Мәселен, 2016 жылы 23 мың ғалым және 383 мекеме ғылыми-зерттеу жұмыстарымен айналысты. Жалпы, бұл салаға 38 миллиард теңге жұмсалған.
Гүлшара Әбдіқалықова бұл монография тәуелсіздік жылдарындағы Қазақстан экономикасының маңызды мәселелерін талдауға арналғанын, сондай-ақ онда автордың қоғамымызды дамыту барысындағы түрлі аспектілерге қатысты пікірі қамтылғанын атап өтті. Бұл еңбек бүкіл әлем үшін хрестоматияға айналып отырған Қазақстан жолын тереңнен толғайды.
Кітап тек біздің елде ғана емес, шет елдерде де кеңінен талқыланып, лайықты бағасын алды. Мәселен, Кембридж университетінің профессоры Сидхарт Саксен бұл еңбектің посткеңестік кеңістіктегі реформалар жөнінде нұсқаулыққа айналғанын атап өткен. Ал Мәскеу мемлекеттік университетінің профессоры Александр Бузгалиннің ойынша, бұл басылым – барлық мемлекеттер өз тәуелсіздігінің бастапқы жылдарында тап болған жаһандық сын-қатерлерді еңсеру ережелерінің өзіндік бір жиынтығы.
Іс-шара соңында Мемлекеттік хатшы Г.Н.Әбдіқалықова академик К.Ә.Сағадиевке мықты денсаулық, бақ-береке, жаңа шығармашылық табыс тіледі.
en_001Кенжегали Абенович Сагадиев [ Тау тұлға ] деректі фильмі en_01A presentation of the book of the well-known public figure, academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev "Reforms in Kazakhstan: An Analytical View" was conducted at Cambridge University. The book published in English describes reforms in Kazakhstan since its independence. March 24, 2017
RTRK Kazakhstan
en_02_1Глава государства встретился с общественными деятелями в Астанеen_02_2Kenzhegali Sagadiev at "Biregej" project. A documentary series about prominent public figures of Kazakhstan. May 20, 2017ASTANA TVen_02_3Шақшақ Жәнібек батырға ескерткіш орнатылды - 14.09.2017en_03The head of the state held a meeting with academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev. Key aspects of the development of national science as well as the main directions of Kazakhstan's economic policy were discussed during the meeting.
The head of the state stressed out that today the scientific community should give its assessment and offer solutions in the context of the current situation of global economy and geopolitics.
- Today, no expert can predict the further development and ways out of the current situation. There are some opinions on contemporary situation in Europe, the United States, China, but no one can has a holistic vision.
Moreover, today confrontation between some countries does not have a positive impact on the world trading system. The threat of terrorism requires special attention which can only be combated through joint actions. “Our scientific society should have a sound opinion about all these challenges”, said the President of Kazakhstan. K.Sagadiev mentioned that the scientists of the country understand the whole responsibility and serving the society during this difficult period is their professional duty. The academician also stressed that the nation's plan implemented today in Kazakhstan is a great historical opportunity which potential should be used in appropriate way. Active participation of both representatives of science and the entire public is needed. January 22, 2016 “ Khabar 24” TV
en_03_2Ахмет Байтұрсынұлының ескерткіші ашылды - 10.09.2016en_03_3 В СКГУ состоялись 'Козыбаевские чтения-2016' - 21.11.2016en_04Round table on the theme: "Contribution of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev as a Leader of the Nation to a young independent state" in honor of the First President’s Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conference hall of the Hospital of the Medical Center. 30.11.2016. “The 1st channel Eurasia”en_05Results of the election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 26, 2015. RTRK Kazakhstanen_06Kelbet. April, 22, 2015 RTRK Kazakhstan.en_07XVI Congress of the Nur Otan Party. March 11, 2015 “Khabar24”en_08The “Tansholpan” program:
Interview with academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev,
RTRK Kazakhstan.
December 17, 2014.
en_09The meeting of the head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev with academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev. They discussed the key directions of the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy as well as the issues of reproduction, accumulation and effective use of human resources, Video 27 a) January 31, 2013.”Khabar”en_10Introduction of new technologies in Kazakhstan. 2013.en_11The “Kөзқарас"(View) program. Kenzhegali Sagadiev. May 9, 2013 “Khabar”en_12The "Dialogues" program. Kenzhegali Sagadiev. May 9, 2013 «Khabar»en_13International Scientific Conference “Human Resources in Kazakhstan: Status and Prospects for Growth” dedicated to the jubilee of the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kenzhegali Sagadiev. An international scientific conference "Human resources in Kazakhstan: the state and prospects of growth" will take place at the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov on February 22, 2013. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for Social and Cultural Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Fund of the First President-Leader of the Nation and the Eurasian National University. The purpose of the conference is to analyze and discuss a set of factors affecting the development of human capital, referring to education and science, health, the state of the environment, the institutional environment, the labor market, social and cultural factors. The Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Kelimbetov and the ministers of the RK: environmental protection N.Kapparov, labor and social protection of the population S.Abdenov , academician K.Sagadiyev and others participated in the conference. The well-known US public figure Marta Olcott, the president of KISTEP (South Korean State Research Institute of Development and Science), will take part at the Conference. Li DzhungSheng, Director of the Chinese Institute of Scientific and Technical Policy Qinhua, Vice President of the Academy of Development Research of the XXI century, Dean of Xinghua University prof. Cue Lan, vice-chancellor of the Malaysian "Mara" University Dato Seri prof. Shagul Hamid, director of the Center for Modernization of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, prof. HuanchiHe, Professor of the University of Cambridge Sidhart S.Saxena and others will take part as well. Professors, scientists from universities and research institutes, PhD students and postgraduates will take part in the conference. The conference is timed to the 75th anniversary of the famous state and public figure, the former president of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, the rector of several higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, academician Kenzhegali Sagadiev. “Khabar”, “Khabar24”en_13аen_13бen_1450th anniversary of the Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov was celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 7, 2013
“Narhoz” University
en_15National IPO, November, 6, 2012en_16Leading experts in the field of education expressed their opinion on the participation of Kazakhstan in the international exhibition EXPO - 2017. November 23, 2012. “Khabar”en_17The role of the President in the formation of parliamentarism in Kazakhstan. November 28, 2012. «Khabar»en_18Nazarbayev Readings - New Kazakhstan in the New World. November 29, 2012. «Khabar»en_19Kenzhegali Sagadiev - VII Innovative Congress: "Innovative business as a way to a competitive economy". October 12, 2012.en_20Presentation of the documentary "From the correspondence of Ilyas Omarov" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the state and public figure of Kazakhstan was held in Astana. 3 October 2012.Video 11 a) Video The story in the faces - presentation of the album ALASHORDA “31 channel”en_21G - Global as a way out of the global economic crisis. Collective efforts are needed in the fight against the world economic crisis. Leading economists of the country support the idea of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to create a dialogue platform G-Global. According to Academician Kenzhegali Sagadiyev the world economic crisis forum is called upon to work out concrete recommendations on the way out of the crisis with the participation of both developed and developing countries. KANZEGALI SAGADIEV, ACADEMICIAN NAS RK : - It is necessary to connect many countries to discuss these problems. Every сountry has own positive or negative experience, which is worth to study. Discussion of these problems will help to share experience to overcome the crisis. As a result of this very broad exchange we can determine any specific measures to overcome the crisis and to ensure the sustainable development of the economy and the world. It is basically the initiative of G- global and the initiative of President of the RK N.Nazarbaev. June 26, 2012. “Khabar”en_22Today in Almaty the first meeting of the club "Gylym sardarlary" was held. It was dedicated to the known scientist, talented organizer and leader, academician Umirbek Sultangazin. Participants of the meeting said a lot about the merits of this scientist. The author of more than 300 scientific works, U. Sultangazin takes an honorable place among the remarkable scientists of Kazakhstan. Science was his purpose. "He devoted his whole life to science," said his spouse Raikhan Ganievna. The main goal of the club is to show outstanding scientific achievements of the national science, to involve young people in the processes of discussing scientific topics and prospects for the development of various spheres of scientific activity. "Science is the future of Kazakhstan,"- said academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Kenzhegali Sagadiyev. It was noted at the meeting that not only the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan but also ministries and departments, akimats, business structures and youth organizations of the country are interested in the further productive work of the club "Gylym sardarlary". “Khabar”, http://www.kazinform.kzen_23Plenary session of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Consideration of the draft Law on Regulation of Banking Activities” 16.09.2011г. РТРК “Қазақстан”en_24The meeting of the Coordinating Council for Fortified Industrial-Innovation Development was held in Ust-Kamenogorsk on 13.06.2011. RTRK «Kazakhstan»en_25Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s Graduates Day, May 28, 2011.RTRK «Kazakhstan»en_2619 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December 16, 2010г .РТРК «Қазақстан»en_27Special economic zones, visiting session of the Council on Economic Policy of Nur Otan party. Deputies got acquainted with the work of Special Economic Zone “Ontustik”. 04.06.2008.RTRK of «Kazakhstan»